Message from the Principal

Posted on 3/30/2020 at 12:00 AM


Dear Parents,

Hope this message finds you all in the best of health. Let me thank you all for being at home and keeping yourself safe.

The present scenario is a testing period for all. It is a task for all to stay at home and deal with a very different situation. Let us try to look at it with a positive perspective and do our best to deal with the present condition.

It is family time now. Spend your time fruitfully and productively with your children and all members at home. If you are away from your members, call them often and remain in touch. Let the bonding amongst the family members grow stronger and deeper.

See that your children are happy. Instil in them the value of good health through yoga and meditation. Reading habit will be a boon in their life.

As a number of study weeks are being missed, we have decided to upload Holiday Assignment to the students. The worksheets and activities are based on the previous knowledge and basic concepts. We will upload all the worksheets by this week. Try to help your children to solve the worksheets and do the activities as many as possible with whatever material you have in hand at home. Remember, the assignments are given for practice as well as recapitulation.

Kindly note that the students are already promoted to the next grade. Results will be published soon.

Thank you for the perennial support. Together we can make a difference!

Take care all. Stay safe and stay healthy!